[8AM] Kovan to meet Yong Wei and off to School! (we're late!)
Latha on MC = No Test(!) but next week combine 2 test together. :/
Went to school to do nothing?
No! I went to school to be cleaner today! But no benefit. ):
I'm willing to do so. So, it's alright. (:
[11AM] End school early today!!
OH MY! A old man fell from the escalator!! I was really shock!!
(i'm having a headache now!) Hopefully he is fine! (:
Chinatown with Celeste and Qian Ying.
I suddenly feel that I'm not a Retarded Singaporean because i don't even know about Chinatown! LOL!
People's Park Hawker for lunch.
Went OG but found nothing.
Chinatown areas (bought a dress and a tube jumper).
after i bought it, i don't think it's nice :/
Back to OG and bought a shoe (after discount is $30+).
(i like it!)
So last minute asking them to accompany me. (i feel so guilty!)
So, I bought them Made In Candy to thank them for the accompany! (:
[2PM] NEX Mall for a walk. Dessert Story to eat Snow Ice. Fairprice to buy Snacks and etc..
[5PM] Home Sweet Home! (:
My Dinner! (thanks daddy!)
Trying the dress ... not used to wear dress :/
(my face is getting worse!! (T~T))
(ignore the background)
it doesn't suit on me :/
[11PM] Goodnight! (: